2015 – Helsinki, Finland

August 28th: Berner IWG meeting. Minutes

August 30th: Symposium – Program and Symposium booklet

From the speakers:

S. Ylä-Mononen:  Minutes from the judges meeting

C. Fechler: Breeding objective high lifespan

N. Bachmann: Project Genomic breeding values

O. Distl: Longevity and histiocytic sarcomas

K. Mäki: Increasing longevity by EBVs (estimated breeding values)

B. Bonnett: IPFD and DogWellNet.com: A Collaborative Platform to Improve Dog Health

K. Sainio: The Finnish Kennelclub as a guide for breeding

B. Hedan: Genetic progress in the fight against histiocytic sarcoma. Latest update of the genetic risk test: HS Pre‐test